What do you charge me to do this?
Prices are determined by class and weight of your shipment and by which carrier you choose. Other factors include specialty services like Expedite or Guaranteed Delivery Time.
Are there fees for using FreightSOLVER All?
No! The quoted amount is the amount you pay - there are no extra service fees for using FreightSOLVER. If additional services are selected, such as Product Value Protection or Liftgate Service, then the quoted amount will increase. In some cases additional fees will be charged after a shipment. These result from uncommon user errors caused by incorrect information such as entering the wrong address, weight or product class.
Are there items NCL does not ship?
NCL focuses on Dock-to-Dock palletized freight. Single item shipments like cars or furniture will not be shipped.
Where can NCL ship?
NCL will book shipments between the 48 contiguous states and some provinces in Canada. NCL also has competitive rates for Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico. However, for those you will need to CALL for a quote at 1-888-851-4556.
What size and weight shipments can NCL handle?
NCL has special rates for the most common shipments that are between 150lbs - 8,000lbs, 1 - 8 skids with individual skids less than 12 feet in length. However, NCL can provide rates for almost any size shipment from 10 lbs up to full truckloads.
Does NCL handle Hazardous Material?
No. NCL does not handle Hazmat.